
Many of the blogs featured on FindABlog have associated YouTube channels. These 33 videos represent some of the most viewed videos from those channels. Please do watch the videos and help support the creators that make the internet such a diverse and interesting place. If you want to find more video creators, be sure to check out our sister site FindAChannel.Net.

Champion YouTubers

Best of the Rest

If you have a blog then why not add your own video channel? According to YouTube's Press Department:

  • YouTube has over 2 billion users.
  • The number of channels earning over $100,000 a year has grown over 40% year on year.
  • The number of channels earning over $10,000 a year has grown over 50% year on year.
  • The number of channels with over one million subscribers has grown 65% year on year.

So while blogging might be saturated in so many niches, vlogging is still a growth industry. For example the channel I watch most lunchtimes is just over two years old and has over 340,000 subscribers.

If you want to start your own channel then have a good read of this blog which has some brilliant tips for growing your channel. You can also search for channels on our sister site FindAChannel.Net. The site also has a tool for improving the SEO of your own channel.

This list of blog YouTube videos is regularly updated so check back again and see if your favourite vlogger makes it to the top!